Episode 8: Nourishing Broth

Sally Fallon Morell, co-founder and president of The Weston A. Price Foundation, shares the benefits of bone broth for healthy bones, joints, hair, skin and more.

Categorized as Health

Episode 7: Is There More to Vitamin E Than You Think?

Hear from Jim Capps, one of the leading authorities on Vitamin E research, as he discusses the great benefits of high-end vitamin E while learning how his unique omega E+ oil is beneficial in managing healthy blood pressure, cardiovascular health, and much more.

Categorized as Health

Episode 5: The All Natural, Zero Calorie Sweetener That Tastes Like Sugar

Margarita Valou, President of Saraya Canada, tells the story of Lakanto, one of the healthiest sugar-free sweeteners. Discover the benefits and uses of Lakanto, a zero calorie sweetener with zero glycemic index, and find out about Lakanto chocolate and ready-to-go cookie mixes.

Categorized as Health

Episode 4: The Skinny Gut Diet with Brenda Watson

Digestive health expert and New York Times best selling author Brenda Watson discusses her new book, The Skinny Gut Diet, and reveals the connection between gut bacteria and lasting weight loss.

Categorized as Health

Episode 3: The Sugar Impact Diet with JJ Virgin

Celebrity nutritionist and fitness expert JJ Virgin discusses her new book Sugar Impact Diet. Learn how this two-week, low-sugar diet will help rev up metabolism and promote weight loss.

Categorized as Health

Episode 2: Hunger in America with Zac Adams

Award winning film director Zac Adams takes you behind the scenes of his powerful new documentary “Hunger in America”, where he exposes one of the most untalked about epidemic in America.

Categorized as Health

Episode 1: Part-time Paleo with Leanne Ely

New York Times best-selling author Leanne Ely discusses her new book Part-time Paleo. Is paleo right for you? Find out as we explore the benefits and how to adapt the diet to fit your lifestyle.

Categorized as Health